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Menopause Natural Supplements (BM160) for Hot Flashes and Mood Swings - Bestmade Natural Products

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Product Name
Menopause Natural Supplements (BM160) for Hot Flashes and Mood Swings - Bestmade Natural Products
Product Description

According to international data about 75 percent of women report troublesome symptoms during menopause and perimenopause. The severity and frequency of symptoms vary. The most common symptoms are irregular bleeding hot flashes, mood swings and vaginal atrophy. These can lead to sexual discomfort, vaginal infections and UTIs. Women approaching the age of menopause may feel suddenly flushed, especially in the chest, face and head. Some women even experience heart palpitations, increased blood pressure, depression, restless sleep and night sweats. Our menopause natural supplements assist in regulating hormone changes, helping to lessen discomfort and improve mood. Though it is a natural part of aging that occurs when the ovaries stop making reproductive hormones, it still interferes with your daily activities and life enjoyment. This natural menopause solution aids in the manage menopausal discomfort and serves as a natural remedy for perimenopause too. Active ingredients include Lachesis MutusD200 200C, SulphurD6 60C, SepiaD2 20C, GraphitesD15 100C, Thuja OcciD3 30C, Mag PhosD6 60C, PulsatillaD3 30C, Magnesia SulphD6 60C and Curprum SulphD6 60C. Take 10-15 drops 3-4 times a day of menopause med liquid in 8 oz of water. If you weigh less than 100 lbs, use half a dose or take as prescribed. A 30mL bottle our mood swing supplements contains approximately a one-month supply when used as recommended. Our site provides information regarding health and wellness. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your health care provider regarding your health concerns, and read all directions and information about liquid menopause supplements prior to use. Bestmade Natural BM160 Liquid Menopause Medicine for Hot Flashes and Mood Swings

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Last updated
February 9, 2025

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