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Comparative Law Yearbook Series Set: Comparative Law Yearbook Of International Business 1996 (Hardcover)

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Comparative Law Yearbook Series Set: Comparative Law Yearbook Of International Business 1996 (Hardcover)
Product Description

The Yearbook offers an important forum for legal practitioners to address and compare practical legal issues of direct interest to their areas of specialisation. Each volume features a comprehensive range of articles written for and by leading practitioners and advisers working within the international business sector. This eighteenth volume contains chapters on: the law relating to banking competition dispute settlement foreign investment and secured transactions general commercial issues facing international businesses the various laws and regulations governing investment and the operating of companies in foreign countries (which should be of great interest to anyone involved with the business of multi-jurisdictional organizations.) banking regulations and the need to obtain security over transactions Other important issues covered in the general section of this volume are those of product safety restraint of trade clauses in employment contracts and the remedies available to foreign sellers of goods. All the above topics contribute to making this volume of the Yearbook a valuable tool for international legal practitioners and their clients.

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March 5, 2025

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