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TaoTao Lancer 150cc Gas Fully Automatic Scooter with Matching Storage Trunk - Sporty Black

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Product Name
TaoTao Lancer 150cc Gas Fully Automatic Scooter with Matching Storage Trunk - Sporty Black
Product Description

Tao Motor is a well-known brand in the domestic and overseas markets with a reputation for producing quality vehicles at family-affordable prices. Our parent company Taotao Vehicles Company LTD was has been manufacturing motorsports and other products in Jinyun County Zhejiang Province of China since 1985. Our new 200 000+ square foot state-of-the-art manufacturing plant employs 2 000 employees including our in-house advanced R&D and engineering teams. Tao Motor has become the premier Chinese motorsports vehicle manufacturer and distributor in the world. Our goal is to allow families to enjoy the open road trails track or back yard on quality affordable motorsports products. Tao Motor’s main products consist of ATVs dirt bikes go-karts scooters and electrical vehicles. We are proud of our broad Tao Motor dealer network that stretches across the U.S. from coast to coast. We pride ourselves on having the most comprehensive and available parts inventories for all of our vehicles across the United States.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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