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LOOKEE Deluxe Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Finger Monitor - Oximeter Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor with OLED Display Auto-Rotate Screen, Plethysmograph-Pulse Ox with Carry Case, Lanyards, and Batteries

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Product Name
LOOKEE Deluxe Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Finger Monitor - Oximeter Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor with OLED Display Auto-Rotate Screen, Plethysmograph-Pulse Ox with Carry Case, Lanyards, and Batteries
Product Description

LOOKEE® LK50D1A Deluxe Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Finger Monitor- Oximeter Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor with Auto-Rotate Screen, Plethysmograph Waveform | Pulse Ox with Carry Case, Batteries Included OLED Display. Batteries and Lanyards are Included. THE GENUINE LOOKEE MONITOR is designed and developed by LOOKEE Tech under the brand LOOKEE® from NY and BC. LOOKEE Tech has proudly served our customers from the US and Canada since 2001. We invite you to enjoy LOOKEE's One-year free replacement, Lifetime LOOKEE® Local Tech Support, and the Awarded First Class Customer Service. Note: This oximeter is for sports or aviation use only and is not intended for medical use.

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Last updated
February 18, 2025

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