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Takis Flare Stix 4 oz Snack Size Bag Chili Pepper & Lime Corn Snack Sticks

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Product Name
Takis Flare Stix 4 oz Snack Size Bag Chili Pepper & Lime Corn Snack Sticks
Product Description

Transform snack time with Takis snacks! These spicy chips and hot peanuts deliver an unbeatable crunch and an unexplored universe of sensational flavor combinations that your taste buds will love. Whether you are at school hanging out with friends on game day or a trip adventure Takis makes for the perfect snack that will satisfy your cravings. Flavored with a variety of spicy combinations these salty snacks are delicious and great for sharing on-the-go. Get a variety pack snack or sharing size bag for your next hangout or road trip. Buy today at Walmart and try all our Takis Mexican products like our tortilla chips potato chips corn chips peanuts and popcorn snacks to experience the intensity for yourself! Shelf-Stable/Ambient; does not require refrigeration.

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Last updated
February 10, 2025

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