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The Inappropriate Baby Book (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Inappropriate Baby Book (Paperback)
Product Description

Any parent who s been through the rigors of an infant invasion knows that the real poop er scoop rarely gets recorded in those precious little keepsake books. After all those books don t cover all the really gross and fascinating stuff that makes parents laugh scream and scratch their heads. The Inappropriate Baby Book however has the good stuff covered. A real baby book for real parents The Inappropriate Baby Book offers a unique and hysterical way to commemorate those decidedly non-Kodak moments that compose the better part of the newborn experience. Herein you ll find room to record such facts as: You were introduced to a rectal thermometer on this day: _______.The first person you peed on was _______.Your mom was embarrassed by breast leakage in the following places: _________.Your first poop happened on this day: _______ and was this color: _________.Now that s the kind of information that should not be lost to posterity!Sure babies are cute but they are also stinky sticky soggy and otherwise inappropriate. So don t sugarcoat the story-let The Inappropriate Baby Book help you tell it like it really is.The book includes an envelope affixed to the last page so that an inappropriate memento can be saved forever. (Or at least until the little angel s prom night!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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