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Brava Elastic Barrier Strip Ostomy Supplies 5 1/2 in 1 Count 20 Packs 20 Total

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Product Name
Brava Elastic Barrier Strip Ostomy Supplies 5 1/2 in 1 Count 20 Packs 20 Total
Product Description

Secure the ostomy wafer in place with these Brava ostomy strips. They stretch to easily follow body movements and curves for freedom of movement. Non-constraining the elastic barrier strips are flexible and easily bend and stretch according to the patient s requirements. Single use and disposable to reduce the risks of contamination they can simply be tossed when removed. The 5 1/2 in ostomy strips secure the ostomy wafer in place and provide additional support to prevent leakage. They re skin-friendly and suitable for use by persons with tape allergies. The gentle adhesive won t cause friction or tension on the skin. The ostomy strips absorb excess moisture forming on the skin and help to keep the areas around the barrier and wafer dry. Durable they ll remain attached for a long time and require fewer changes.

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Last updated
February 22, 2025

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