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Tyranny of Dragons (d&d Adventure Book Combines Hoard of the Dragon Queen + the Rise of Tiamat) (Hardcover)

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Tyranny of Dragons (d&d Adventure Book Combines Hoard of the Dragon Queen + the Rise of Tiamat) (Hardcover)
Product Description

Defy the Queen of Evil Dragons in this adventure for the world s greatest roleplaying game. Tyranny of Dragons combines and refines two action-packed Dungeons & Dragons adventures--Hoard of the Dragon Queen and The Rise of Tiamat--into a single sweeping campaign. It also includes a gallery of concept art providing a behind- the-scenes look at the creation of an epic adventure spotlighting Tiamat one of the most legendary foes in D&D. A wonderful re-introduction to 5th edition s first published adventures for new fans Begins as a low-level adventure suitable for new players and evolves into an epic sprawling campaign bringing players all the way from level 1 to level 15 Adventure has been rebalanced to be easier for a new Dungeon Master to run and a better play experience. Book includes gallery of concept art spotlighting Tiamat one of the most legendary foes in D&D

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March 4, 2025

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