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Limericks of The Third Millennium: Comic Philosopher (Paperback)

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Product Name
Limericks of The Third Millennium: Comic Philosopher (Paperback)
Product Description

This little book of my original limericks does not propose to be anything really new in the overall scope of poetry. It does however intend to be novel to the present age in so far as its purpose is concerned. The author believes it is high time to return to much of the tradition of the past and to follow their artistic format whereby we can begin producing and encouraging art and artists that are worthy of something other than the trash heap. Today the bulk of the arts both popular and serious are mired in quicksand that is sucking our very spirits under. These limericks of mine may not be great poetry but they are at least an attempt at sound poetry bound together by rhythm and rhyme. I hope futhermore that this might spark an interest among all in the noble arts about such things as promoting original traditional poetry which has been christened anathema by the overcooked eggheads of our age. Whatsmore I would also like to hear from anyone who espouses my cause. To do so simply write to the P.O.Box address in my book. A S.A.S.E. would be greatly appreciated. With hope and thanks William Shuckspeare

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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