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Dekor Mini Hands-Free Diaper Pail | White

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Product Name
Dekor Mini Hands-Free Diaper Pail | White
Product Description

You will change 6 000-9 000 diapers before your child is potty trained! We found a much simpler way to dispose of them! Dekor Hands-Free Diaper Pails and Refills are designed to make this unpleasant chore as easy as possible for parents.Dekor Refills are one continuous liner with no preset perforations so you can empty as often as you want and they hold more diapers per refill than the competition! You control how often you empty the pail. Emptying your diaper pail more frequently will keep odors in your nursery to a minimum.When ready to empty your Dekor Hands-Free Diaper Pail open the easy-access service door and pull out the Dekor Refill just far enough to remove the contents. Use the child-safe cutter conveniently mounted on the door to cut the Dekor Refill. Allow room to tie a knot in the used bag before disposing of it. Tie a new knot in the bottom of the Dekor Refill to form a new bag’ close the door and you’re done.

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Last updated
February 2, 2025

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