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Serious Strength Training (Paperback)

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Product Name
Serious Strength Training (Paperback)
Product Description

Maximize your strength and muscle definition by applying the latest breakthroughs in scientific research to your training. The new edition of Serious Strength Training presents -scientifically based guidelines for periodization workouts -new information on incorporating popular bodybuilding systems into the periodization plan -80 exercises that cause the greatest stimulation in the muscles -a nutrition periodization program that explains how to meet the body s changing dietary needs during each phase of training. Serious Strength Training begins by outlining the basic scientific principles of training for strength and muscle mass--what happens to the body during training and why. Then it sets detailed guidelines for program design explaining how to calculate training volume intensity rest intervals number of exercises and loading patterns. Lead author Tudor Bompa demonstrates how to use periodized workouts to peak at optimal times by manipulating six different training phases: anatomical adaptation hypertrophy mixed maximum strength muscle definition and transition. This edition also presents a revolutionary metabolically based approach--created by Maura Di Pasquale an internationally renowned physician--that allows readers to structure their diets to meet their individual metabolic profiles. Serious Strength Training includes programs for strength trainers and bodybuilders as well as for those with special needs and interests. Scientifically sound and research-based it s also ideal for strength and conditioning experts and exercise scientists who want to know the best methods for developing greater muscle power and mass.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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