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X-Men 2099 Omnibus (Hardcover)

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Product Name
X-Men 2099 Omnibus (Hardcover)
Product Description

The X-Men: Not just a job but a heritage! In the year 2099 Xi an Chi Xan wants Meanstreak Krystalin Skullfire Metalhead Serpentina Junkpile and Cerebra to help rebuild Charles Xavier s century-old dream - but lies betrayal and assassination may tear them down before they start! The gods of the Aesir and demons of the Theatre of Pain - including the sadistic Brimstone Love - are against them but will the shape-shifting Bloodhawk join the new X-Men s cause? Halloween Jack offers more tricks than treats the Free Radicals will Daze and confuse the Undead rise and the X-Nation is born! But is Xi an truly this era s Professor X? Or will he become the X-Men s most dangerous enemy? Collecting X-MEN 2099 #1-35 SPIDER-MAN 2099 (1992) #16 RAVAGE 2099 #15 DOOM 2099 #14 PUNISHER 2099 #13 X-MEN 2099 SPECIAL #1 X-MEN 2099: OASIS and X-NATION 2099 #1-6.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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