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Business Finance : A Pictorial Guide for Managers (Paperback)

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Product Name
Business Finance : A Pictorial Guide for Managers (Paperback)
Product Description

Using the successful pictorial style which made The Marketing Plan and Selling Services and Products so original Paul Burns and Peter Morris have now developed a humorous and easy-to-understand guide to the world of business finance. Follow the adventures of small-time entrepreneur Jack Plank and his Finance Director cousin Vivienne as she helps him turn his business from a potential casualty of the Death Valley Curve into an efficient profit-making success story. Balance sheets profit and loss statements cash flow working capital depreciation cash flow forecasting budgeting and gearing are all explained making this the book to guide readers safely through the jargon jungle of financial management. Reluctant or inexperienced students of accountancy and finance will find this a delightfully refreshing non-threatening way to get to grips with the subject and it will be an invaluable guide for those already running or planning to set up their own business. Easy-to-understand guide to the financial world. Uses the successful pictorial style which made The Marketing Plan and Selling Services and Products . Follow the adventures of small-time entrepreneur Jack Plank and his Finance Director cousin Vivienne as she helps him turn his business from a potential casualty of the Death Valley Curve into an efficient profit-making success story. Balance sheets profit and loss statements cash flow working capital depreciation cash flow forecasting budgeting and gearing are all explained making this the book to guide readers safely through the jargon jungle of financial management. Reluctant or inexperienced students of accountancy and finance will find this a delightfully refreshing non-threatening way to get to grips with the subject and it will be an invaluable guide for those already running or planning to set up their own business.

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Last updated
February 21, 2025

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