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American Maid - Stackable & Refillable Water Gallon (3gal)

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Product Name
American Maid - Stackable & Refillable Water Gallon (3gal)
Product Description

The five-gallon water container is made of BPA-free plastic that is a blue color with a white lid. It has an easy-to-grip handle for efficient transport into and out of a vehicle and home. This long-lasting container is handy for storing water for long periods of time or transporting it for parties and gatherings. You ll never have to worry about purchasing a new water bottle again! The screw on 53mm cap will safely secure any liquid from dripping. The bottles are great for emergency preparedness or daily use. They also save a lot of space because they can be stacked up to 3 bottles high when filled. Please do not dry in direct sunlight.

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Last updated
March 9, 2025

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