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Perfect Health Fitness & Slimming (Paperback)

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Perfect Health Fitness & Slimming (Paperback)
Product Description

A study of science and scientific theories and laws is almost incomplete without relevant and methodical Experiments. In fact Experiments are an inseparable part of any Scientific Study or Research. In this book the author has tried to simplify science to the readers particularly the school going students through easy and interesting experiments. All the experiments given in the book are based on some scientific phenomena or other such as atmospheric pressure high and low temperatures boiling freezing and melting points of solids liquids and gases gravitational force magnetism electricity solubility of substances etc. Thus read each of these fun filled experiments and carry it out in your homes or schools under the supervision and guidance of your teachers parents or elders. The language used in the book is simple and all the experiments have been illustrated with relevant diagrams and methodical steps strictly based on scientific facts. So children grab this book as fast as you can to satisfy your scientific curiosities by performing these incredible experiments and learning science with fun. #v&spublishers

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Last updated
February 23, 2025

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