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Performing Arts; 10: Revitalizing Antitrust in Its Second Century: Essays on Legal Economic and Political Policy (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Performing Arts; 10: Revitalizing Antitrust in Its Second Century: Essays on Legal Economic and Political Policy (Hardcover)
Product Description

America has entered its second century of antitrust law. The United States has come through the 1980s of laissez faire when antitrust had its lowest profile since the Hoover days lawyers advised clients that anything goes and theorists justified non-enforcement of the law by Chicago School economics--the claim that antitrust exists only to create efficiency and that business freedom creates efficiency. Meanwhile the European Community has a developing body of antitrust law. It rejects the Chicago School as ignoring market realities and it incorporates into its law values of opportunity access open markets and the right to be free from exploitation. The newly democratized European nations and Russia all have moved to market economies and adopted antitrust law in the image of the European Community in spite of the carpet baggers trying to sell laissez faire. The Supreme Court of the United States has now reversed the swing of the U.S. antitrust pendulum rejecting Chicago School theory in favor of market reality and accepting the fact that there is an antitrust right not to be coerced and abused by market power. What is the intellectual foundation of this new antitrust--this law that respects efficiency progressiveness access and freedom from abuse of power and which reflects the need of business firms to be active and agile players in a global marketplace? That foundation is contained in Revitalizing Antitrust in its Second Century. This is the only book that provides the underpinnings for the new antitrust. It is the only book that helps the scholar/lawyer/business advisor/student understand the direction of antitrust and how to predict the course of the law. Four of the authors in the book were cited by the Supreme Court in its June opinion; one was cited eleven times. Revitalizing Antitrust in its Second Century is an indispensable volume for lawyers economists business advisors sholars and students of law economics business and political economy.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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