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Contributions in Criminology and Penolog America s Correctional Crisis: Prison Populations and Public Policy Book 17 (Hardcover)

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Contributions in Criminology and Penolog America s Correctional Crisis: Prison Populations and Public Policy Book 17 (Hardcover)
Product Description

These essays treat the legal financial ethical political institutional and social dimensions of the most important element of America s correctional crisis: prison overcrowding. The collection may become a standard work in the field especially for those who question the feasibility and wisdom of building more prisons. The need for rational policy-making that links prison sentences with available prison space comes through clearly and forcefully. Chapters by well-known authorities describe the extent of overcrowding in prisons and jails review current law regarding the constituitonality of overcrowded prison facilities and summarize research on causes and consequences. . . . Highly recommended. Choice Because of the recent explosion in the American prison population which has risen more than 40 percent in just six years overcrowding has reached crisis proportions and conditions within prisons continue to deteriorate. This book takes a close look at the policy implications of that crisis addressing constitutional issues economic and political questions and a wide range of possible long- and short-term solutions. Written by some of the most experienced academics and consultants now working the field it provides a theoretical orientation and up-to-date factual background for each of the issues and practical policy alternatives that are studied.

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March 4, 2025

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