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The Asian Way to Peace (Hardcover)

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The Asian Way to Peace (Hardcover)
Product Description

While Europe has traditionally been the role model for international cooperation this volume suggests a new highly successful mode. Using a flourishing operational code of diplomacy known as the Asian Way Asian regional cooperation has gone even further to unite disparate countries for economic and political objectives. Culminating twenty years of research this volume defines the Asian Way. It then provides details on fifty regional organizations in an effort to study this spirit of regional cooperation. Highlighting the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) the author concludes that Asian international relations has been ASEANized and increased economic progress has been advanced in two decades through the application of the Asian Way. Examining in microcosm how nations conduct their foreign relations in Asia this volume provides an extensive list of regional organizations. It details their organizational charts provides membership lists and reveals funding formulas and projects undertaken. The author explains how through the application of the principles of the Asian Way the countries of Southeast Asia have resolved their conflicts harmonized foreign policies begun projects of regional economic cooperation and ultimately advanced prosperity.

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March 5, 2025

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