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The doctrine and practice of Yoga (Hardcover)(Large Print)

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Product Name
The doctrine and practice of Yoga (Hardcover)(Large Print)
Product Description

The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga including the Practices and Exercises of Concentration both Objective and Subjective and Active and Passive Mentation an Elucidation of Maya Guru Worship and the Worship of the Terrible also the Mystery of Will-Force BY SWAMI MUKERJI YOGI OF THE SOUTH INDIA ORDER. The instructions given you hereunder are meant to give you a strong body and a strong will. They will also tend to your Soul-Unfoldment. Talk not of them. Keep your mouth closed. Be serious earnest and thoughtful. Then work at them confidently and with perseverance. Do not be daunted by apparent failures. Failure is the stepping-stone to Success. He fails who gives up a thing in final despair. Go on I say. You will improve from the very first day and in a short time you will be another man. All the leaders of humanity past or present have studied and investigated with tireless zeal along the special lines and in Spiritual culture you must do the same. But you must have health a strong will and a steady brain and I will enable you to have these positively. Keep these instructions strictly privately. Master them by constant meditation upon same.

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Last updated
November 2, 2024

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