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Swanson Saw Palmetto and Beta Sitosterol 30 Softgels

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Product Name
Swanson Saw Palmetto and Beta Sitosterol 30 Softgels
Product Description

If you're a man over 50, it's time to start giving your prostate health the attention it deserves. Making Swanson Ultra Saw Palmetto and Beta Sitosterol part of your daily routine is a great way to start. It combines two highly effective ingredients that work to help maintain healthy prostate and urinary tract function. Saw palmetto berries have earned a place among nature's premier men's-health herbs, thanks to their unique combination of phytosterol and fatty-acid constituents, which have been researched extensively for their potential to help maintain healthy prostate and urinary tract function. Our softgels feature 320 mg of guaranteed-potency saw palmetto extract (standardized to a minimum 85% fatty acid content) for consistently effective prostate support. The activity of our standardized saw palmetto extract is enhanced by the addition of Phytopin(R) pine phytosterols. Plant-derived sterols (phytosterols) such as beta sitosterol have gained researchers' attention as some of the

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Last updated
December 2, 2024

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