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Different Removal Sponge Hair Shapes Hair Painles Hair Sponge Removal Hair Removal Hair Removal

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Different Removal Sponge Hair Shapes Hair Painles Hair Sponge Removal Hair Removal Hair Removal
Product Description

Hair Removal Sponge Magic Hair Removal Sponge Different Shapes Of Painless Hair Removal Hair Removal Sponge Daily Care Pads Epilator Suitable For Women, Girls, Adults, Men's Gifts Product description. The design is very user-friendly. It can be reused after water washing and can become dirty. Do not use alkaline solvent to clean it, otherwise it will affect the effect. A very cute little thing, absolutely safe so as not to hurt the skin Oh! The principle is that the first reason the hair goes is to put an end to direct shaving and new long hairs, long, tough thickeners stay harsh! This is not possible. Removal of body hair without pain drops, the need for the pro patience grinding (turn around) can listen to music while watching TV while grinding Oh, the normal is 5-10 minutes to watch the grinding position remains unchanged, the body hair can be removed! Before use, the skin must be wet, please use the pink circle rotation in one direction of friction, do not press the skin, the hair will fall off regularly. products containing. 3x Hair removal sponge

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Last updated
September 15, 2024

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