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CIPA Mirrors 60300 Wide Angle Lens Flexible 4.5 stars from 15 reviews Automotive Part Black 0.53 lb

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Product Name
CIPA Mirrors 60300 Wide Angle Lens Flexible 4.5 stars from 15 reviews Automotive Part Black 0.53 lb
Product Description

West Coast Mirror Square Back Head - 11x14 in. Wide Angle Lens - Left Or Right. Features: Eliminates Blind Spots And Increases Safety - Increases Visibility When Parking Or Backing Up - Flexible and Easy To Attach - Can Be Cleaned Using Mild Detergent And Water - Useful For Other Types Of Applications - Limited 1 Year Warranty. CIPA s experience in the development and manufacture of rearview mirrors is derived from the European automotive industry. Until 1985 CIPA-USA was a subsidiary of CIPA-France and innovative industry leader for over 65 years. Established in 1926 CIPA-France has played a major role in the design evolution of rearview mirrors. Clients in the European market include BMW Mercedes Renault Volvo and Volkswagen. In the US market CIPA mirrors can be found on Chrysler and Ford vehicles plus some of the finest motorcycles boats ORV s personal watercraft and snowmobiles manufactured. Since 1985 CIPA-USA has been a privately held U.S. Corporation operating in Port Huron Michigan. CIPA has continued to show healthy growth year after year. CIPA currently manufactures its products in the U.S Asia and France and continues to provide high quality fast-moving products setting sales volume records in almost every category sold. CIPA s high level of customer service and just in time deliveries have converted CIPA from just a mirror supplier to a business partner. In 1987 CIPA entered the marine industry as a supplier of rearview mirrors to tournament ski boat manufacturers. Today CIPA supplies mirrors to 100% of the tournament ski boats manufactured in the U.S. Since its entry into the marine industry CIPA has introduced many innovative mirrors to enhance rearview safety in the family recreational and PWC segments. In the spring of 1992 CIPA introduced the first PWC aftermarket mirror and remains the only company selling mirrors in that market today. CIPA-USA is the only company in the world with a full line of mirrors for all watercraft types.

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March 5, 2025

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