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Pentax DA 35mm f/2.4 AL Lens

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Product Name
Pentax DA 35mm f/2.4 AL Lens
Product Description

Offering a natural perspective similar to that of the naked eye the SMC Pentax DA 35mm f/2.4 AL standard lens (equivalent to 53.5mm in the 35mm format) may be used to capture a wide range of subjects for high-resolution images with edge-to-edge sharpness. An aspherical lens element helps to compensate for spherical aberration to maximize image quality and Pentax Super Protect (SP) coating helps repel dust water and grease making the lens easier to clean. It’s the perfect choice for DSLR beginners to familiarize themselves with the basics of using interchangeable lenses.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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