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Daler-Rowney Simply... Sketching Pencils Set 13 Pieces - Drawing Kit for Teens Students Kids

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Product Name
Daler-Rowney Simply... Sketching Pencils Set 13 Pieces - Drawing Kit for Teens Students Kids
Product Description

Show Us How You Simply Create - This sketching set represents a choice of essential drawing and sketching materials valued by any artist. The pencils the pastels and the charcoal sticks can be used individually or mixed and blended using the paper sticks to create a variety of effects and styles. The four pencils range in different hardness giving you versatility when you create. Total contents include 4 sketching pencils 2 pastel sticks 2 charcoal sticks 2 paper blending sticks an eraser a pencil sharpener and a block of sandpaper sheets. Perfect for beginners artists kids adults teens and students.

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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