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Food Is Power: A collection of simple healthy recipes for powerful living (Hardcover)

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Food Is Power: A collection of simple healthy recipes for powerful living (Hardcover)
Product Description

Shannon Barbato is well known when it comes to fitness and food--especially her easy delicious recipes made from wholesome nutritious ingredients without refined sugar or white flour. The Food Is Power cookbook features tantalizing easy-to-follow recipes all using simple ingredients that can be found in any local grocery store. Each recipe also includes a Power Tip that describes the health benefits of the ingredients along with substitution ideas and fun facts. Full of vitality and personal stories Food Is Power offers life-changing options for feeding your family nutritious unprocessed meals--even if your time is limited. With stunning photographs and cutting-edge tips for beginner and advanced cooks the Food Is Power cookbook is an invitation to a healthier stronger happier life. The kind of life where you smile more cope better and have the energy you need to handle all that life sends your way. This gorgeously styled cookbook embodies healthy yummy eating the whole family will enjoy.

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Last updated
March 11, 2025

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