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Plasma Car Riding Push Toy

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Product Name
Plasma Car Riding Push Toy
Product Description

This cool car really has it all. Operated by your child's own energy, the Plasma Car Riding Push Toy uses a combination of inertia, centrifugal force, and friction to provide an exhilarating but safe ride of up to 6 mph. You'll need no batteries, gears, or pedals - just turn the steering wheel back and forth to move forward and turn the wheel 180 degrees to go backwards. The smoother and flatter the surface, the faster you'll go. To end your ride, stop rotating the steering wheel and put your feet on the ground. Because the PlasmaCar is designed for indoor or outdoor use, your child can enjoy it (and get needed exercise) even when the weather isn't cooperating. Available in a variety of bright colors. Not your ordinary riding toy, the PlasmaCar is so much fun to drive, you just might have trouble getting your child off of it.

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Last updated
September 26, 2024

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