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Full Assortment Circle Dot Stickers | 0.25 Inch Round | 10 Sheets of 96 Labels | 960 Pack

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Product Name
Full Assortment Circle Dot Stickers | 0.25 Inch Round | 10 Sheets of 96 Labels | 960 Pack
Product Description

These round stickers can be used for many different reasons. Use these to organize files books and products in stores. Use these on behavior and chore charts. Use in stores and warehouses to mark inventory. The size of these stickers is 0.25 inch round and they are made with semi-gloss paper material. We use eco-friendly inks for the print the back is a strong permanent adhesive. There are 960 stickers per pack meaning 96 dots per sheet. 10 sheets total. Each sheet is 3 x 6 inches. InStockLabels is located in Salt Lake City Utah. We offer over 3 000 pre-printed stickers and labels in nearly every industry imaginable. Choose from our wide selection of small large industrial customized and office-use label system. Our goal is to provide you with the best-quality label you can buy with great service.

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Last updated
February 27, 2025

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