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Elite Students: How to Get Into Oxbridge: A Comprehensive Guide to Succeeding in Your Application Process (Paperback)

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Product Name
Elite Students: How to Get Into Oxbridge: A Comprehensive Guide to Succeeding in Your Application Process (Paperback)
Product Description

With competition to get into Oxbridge now so fierce this book goes beyond standard application technique to focus on long-term development of intellectual potential including insight into the power of positive decision-making; how to practise independent and critical thinking skills; and how you can develop extra-curricular knowledge in genuine and impressive ways to stand out from the crowd. The book includes practical and insider knowledge that can t be found elsewhere - like how to strategically choose your college to boost your chances of admission and how to interpret and respond to interview questions in a way that demonstrates your intellectual curiosity and academic potential. You ll find sample personal statements; examples of interview questions for all subjects; practical advice on fees and funding; and how to manage parents and peers. There is also a chapter dedicated to International Students. Online supporting resources for this book include a table including collect selectors for Oxford and Cambridge.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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