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Curl Talk : Everything You Need to Know to Love and Care for Your Curly Kinky Wavy or Frizzy Hair (Paperback)

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Curl Talk : Everything You Need to Know to Love and Care for Your Curly Kinky Wavy or Frizzy Hair (Paperback)
Product Description

At loose ends with your locks? Let the Queen of Curl show you how to bring out the best in your hair. The lengths that women go to in order to tame their curls! If you ve been blessed with curly hair chances are that you ve thought of it as a curse complaining It s uncontrollable! It s a mess! or It s so frizzy and tangly! Out of frustration you may have mistakenly resorted to methods (straighteners irons blow-dryers) that only cause more damage to your hair. Now renowned New York City stylist Ouidad sets the record straight on curly hair and shows you how to start loving the waves kinks and curls you were born with. In Curl Talk Ouidad reveals the secrets to bringing out your natural beauty including: * Finding the right cut * How often to shampoo (and why you never wrap your wet hair in a towel) * Why brushes and mousses should be outlawed * The best conditioning and styling treatments * Blow-drying coloring and straightening the safe way Based on Ouidad s experience catering solely to curly-haired clients at her exclusive Manhattan salon Curl Talk is a straight-talking guide for your daily struggle with the frizzies offering simple step-by-step solutions for getting a gorgeous head of curls. It will revolutionize the way you treat your hair.

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March 4, 2025

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