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Good Ideas Rain Wizard Rain Barrel Rock

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Product Name
Good Ideas Rain Wizard Rain Barrel Rock
Product Description

So you like the idea of using water captured in a rain barrel to water your garden or wash the car but you don t like the idea of a large unsightly barrel in your yard. There s a simple solution. It s called the Rain Wizard Rain Barrel Rock. Capable of storing 42 gallons of rain water this rock is constructed of quality weather-proof resin and has a light granite finish for an authentic look. The unique shape and color of this rain barrel rock mimics the look of a natural rock found protruding from the ground in a quarry. It s super easy to set up too. Simply cut your downspout to length place the rock underneath and screw in the included brass spigot. Please note - the brass spigot is shipped inside the barrel - remove and install before use.

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Last updated
December 2, 2024

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