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Good Ideas RW40-KHA Rain Wizard Rain Collection Barrel 40-Gallon Khaki

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Product Name
Good Ideas RW40-KHA Rain Wizard Rain Collection Barrel 40-Gallon Khaki
Product Description

When drought sets in and rain is in short supply rain barrels can provide that precious water you need for your lawn and garden. The Good Ideas RW40-KHA Rain Wizard Rain Collection Barrel 40-Gallon can provide 40 gallons of pure un-chlorinated water when municipalities declare periods of low water usage. During heavy rain falls a typical roof can produce hundreds of gallons of water. By saving that water you can reduce your average water usage by up to 40%. With those kinds of savings the Rain Wizard can pay for itself in just a few seasons. The Rain Wizard features an attractive Faux oak barrel design so it naturally fits in with your landscape. And the wide variety of colors allows you to even further match your barrel to your home and yard without standing out. Its plastic screen mesh is newly designed to keep out bugs animals and debris while still being easy to remove for cleaning and maintenance and is gentle on skin. A front side overflow keeps water from flooding against your outside wall. The flat-back design is one of the most convenient features as it allows your barrel to sit right up against your home so you don t have to worry about purchasing excess downspout parts. These barrels are tough. While most barrels will crack or become brittle in the winter the Rain Wizard 40 will stay strong. It is still recommended that you drain your barrels when temperatures approach the freezing point. Keep your yard and garden watered naturally using the Good Idea 40-gallon Rain Wizard Rain Collection Barrel.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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