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Post-it Super Sticky Notes, 3 in. x 3 in., Supernova Neons, 4 Pads

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Product Name
Post-it Super Sticky Notes, 3 in. x 3 in., Supernova Neons, 4 Pads
Product Description

GET ORGANIZED: Each pack includes 4 pads of 3 in. x 3 in. notes, with 45 sheets per pad, great for your office, work area, or classroom EXPERIENCE THE POWER OF 2X STICKINESS: Post-it Super Sticky Notes offer twice the sticking power of basic sticky notes, ensuring they stay put and won't fall off STICK AND RESTICK ANYWHERE: These notes adhere firmly to walls, windows, doors, and other vertical surfaces, allowing you to move your reminders with ease VERSATILE AND ESSENTIAL: Post-it Super Sticky Notes are the perfect solution for shopping lists, reminders, to-do lists, color-coding, labeling, family chore reminders, brainstorming, storyboarding, and quick notes VARIOUS SIZES AND SHAPES: Available in different sizes, with or without lines, to cater to your specific needs EYE-CATCHING COLORS: Vibrant and colorful reminders are more likely to grab attention and be noticed INTRODUCING THE SUPERNOVA NEON COLLECTION: Energize your ideas with the exciting colors of Aqua Splash, Acid Lime, Tropical Pink and Iris Infusion EXPLORE OUR COLLECTIONS: With 11 color collections, the Post-it Brand offers a wide range of options to suit every style and preference, whether at home, in school, or at the office SUSTAINABILITY: Post-it Super Sticky Notes can be recycled ENHANCE YOUR NOTE-TAKING EXPERIENCE: Download the free Post-it App on your smartphone or tablet to enjoy the simplicity and convenience of Post-it Notes anytime and anywhere

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Last updated
March 5, 2025

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