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Unisex Classic 5mm 14kt High-Polish Gold-Plated Wedding Band

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Product Name
Unisex Classic 5mm 14kt High-Polish Gold-Plated Wedding Band
Product Description

Boat Pontoon Boat Porch Deck Patio Automotive Outdoor Carpet This is premium high quality commercial grade professional grade outdoor carpet. This Aqua Turf Carpet is and Sunlight Resistant. Aqua Turf Carpet meets or exceeds the higher standards required for outdoor use. Outdoor Carpet - Carpet Edges are unfinished. No binding on the edges. Outdoor Carpet - Not artificial grass. For By the Yard purchases you will receive the material in 1 continuous piece up to 5 yards long. Example: 1 yard = 36 inches long. Example: 3 yards = 108 inches long. Example: 5 yards = 180 inches long. Longer pieces are large and expensive to ship. They must be purchased as a 10 Yard piece (360 inches long) (see listing). Features: Low Water Retention Low Maintenance Color Coordinated to Match Marine Vinyl Latex Backing 100% Olefin Pile Water Gas and Oil Resistant Backing UV Light Stabilized Superior Surface Coverage Moisture Resistant Suggested Applications: Automotive Boat Deck Porch Pool Deck Patio outdoor. 14 oz. per square yard Olefin yarns create a carpet that’s tough enough to withstand the rigors of outdoor use yet softer in texture with clearer more brilliant colors. On the practical side it’s UV-stabilized for longer-lasting color has anti-static construction and low water retention. It’s moisture- and stain-resistant and the backing is gas oil and water resistant. Aesthetically you’ll appreciate how easily it color-coordinates with marine vinyls.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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