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Anatomy Lab Grassfrog (Rana forreri) Real Bone Articulated Skeleton Mounted with Cover

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Product Name
Anatomy Lab Grassfrog (Rana forreri) Real Bone Articulated Skeleton Mounted with Cover
Product Description

Our real bone skeletons are an excellent teaching aid for any level of anatomy class and each skeleton comes with a useful key to identify bones. Careful cleaning and preparation ensures a near perfect skeleton. The Grassfrog Skeleton measures over six inches (6 ). Mounted with the legs extended between two clear plates for easy dorsal and ventral viewing SHIPPING NOTICE: Some specimens may have a lead time of 4 - 6 weeks before your item is ready to ship please send us a message via Live Chat or give us a call 800-422-1134 for more information. PLEASE NOTE: Specimens should be stored at room temperature and out of direct sunlight. If the specimen remains unopened in the vacuum-pack or pail-pack the specimen should last indefinitely. Once opened the specimen will last for a couple of weeks do not use specimen if the specimen dries out or begins to grow mold. An unopened specimen is guaranteed for up to one year.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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