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CURT 80011 48-Inch Trailer Safety Chain with 3/8-In S-Hooks 2 000 lbs Break Strength

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Product Name
CURT 80011 48-Inch Trailer Safety Chain with 3/8-In S-Hooks 2 000 lbs Break Strength
Product Description

No matter how far you are planning to drive -- down the street or across the state -- using safety chains when you tow is smart safe and required by law. Without safety chains attached there is a serious risk of danger if your trailer becomes uncoupled from your trailer hitch. Play it safe with safety chains and play it even safer with safety chains from CURT. CURT has a few different options when it comes to securing your trailer. This basic safety chain is made from high-quality steel and is grade-30 certified. It is equipped with two sturdy 3/8 S-hooks for reliable coupling to your vehicle and features a minimum break force of 2 000 lbs. Remember each safety chain assembly connecting your trailer to your vehicle must meet or exceed the gross trailer weight. This CURT safety chain measures a total length of 48 and has chain links with a 3/16 diameter. In our book making safety a priority when you tow is a must. We offer all the safety equipment needed for successful towing from our electrical components to our safety chains. The next time you hitch up for an adventure always Bring It safely with CURT.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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