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CURT 40019 Chrome Trailer Hitch Ball 2-Inch Diameter 3/4 x 3-Inch Shank Length 10 000 lbs. TW

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Product Name
CURT 40019 Chrome Trailer Hitch Ball 2-Inch Diameter 3/4 x 3-Inch Shank Length 10 000 lbs. TW
Product Description

Out of the monotony comes one name that rises above all others. CURT trailer balls are designed for strength ease of use and ultimately to get you to your destination without hassle. CURT 2 trailer hitch balls are constructed from quality steel and are made with precision to fit your 2 trailer coupler like a hand in a glove. They are able to tow most standard-duty and heavy-duty trailers such as utility trailers boat trailers campers livestock trailers and recreational vehicle trailers for hauling ATVs snowmobiles personal watercraft and more. These tow balls are an excellent extension of your class 3 or class 4 trailer hitch and ball mount and are the ideal choice for most pickup trucks and SUVs (NOTE: Never exceed the lowest weight capacity of any towing component; i.e. the vehicle hitch trailer etc). This particular 2 trailer ball offers a ball capacity of 3 500 lbs. It features a 3/4 shank diameter a 3 shank length 0 of rise and a nickel-chrome finish to protect against rust and scratches. With its fine-threaded shank this 2 trailer ball also offers an added measure of holding strength and provides smooth installation and torqueing. To give you peace of mind while towing to that next destination we also carefully test our trailer balls and ensure that each one meets U.S. VESC specifications.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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