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Maverick Trading: Proven Strategies for Generating Greater Profits from the Award-Winning Team at Maverick Trading (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Maverick Trading: Proven Strategies for Generating Greater Profits from the Award-Winning Team at Maverick Trading (Hardcover)
Product Description

Don t conform to Wall Street s rules. Be your own trader--Maverick style. PROVEN STRATEGIES FOR GENERATING GREATER PRO FITS FROM THE AWARD-WINNING TEAM AT MAVERICK TRADING Wall Street s dirty secret is out--you don t need a professional to manage your money and you can beat the market on a consistent basis. All that s required are three things: personal dedication a sound risk management strategy and the trading system outlined in this book. Yes it s that simple. As active traders at the private proprietary trading firm Maverick Trading the authors have taught hundreds of budding traders how to end their relationship with the so-called professionals and trade on their own using the same system the firm used to generate gains of more than 100% in 2008 50% in 2009 and 50% in 2010. It s not a get-rich-quick scheme. It s a long-term methodology designed to create steady wealth you can live on retire on and pass down to the next generation. Maverick Trading teaches you how to: Design a portfolio using long and short options Read OHLC and Candlestick charts Hedge your investments with options Create a risk-assessment tool kit Mentally prepare yourself for the life of a trader It s not complicated. In the authors own words The system in this book relies on pattern recognition impeccable risk management understanding yourself and fifth-grade math. The hard part is up to you. You have to make the decision to go all in. Full-time. No turning back. Once you do it you ll wonder what took you so long. Let Maverick Trading put you on the path to the life you were supposed to lead.

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March 4, 2025

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