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Moviemakers Master Class (Paperback)

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Product Name
Moviemakers Master Class (Paperback)
Product Description

From Scorsese and Lynch to Wenders and Godard interviews with twenty of the world s greatest directors on how they make films--and why Each great filmmaker has a secret method to his moviemaking--but each of them is different. In Moviemaker Master Class Laurent Tirard talks to twenty of today s most important filmmakers to get to the core of each director s approach to film exploring the filmmaker s vision as well as his technique while allowing each man to speak in his own voice. Martin Scorsese likes setting up each shot very precisely ahead of time--so that he has the opportunity to change it all if he sees the need. Lars Von Trier on the other hand refuses to think about a shot until the actual moment of filming. And Bernardo Bertolucci tries to dream his shots the night before; if that doesn t work he roams the set alone with a viewfinder imagining the scene before the actors and crew join him. In these interviews--which originally appeared in the French film magazine Studio and are being published here in English for the first time--enhanced by exceptional photographs of the directors at work Laurent Tirard has succeeded in finding out what makes each filmmaker--and his films--so extraordinary shedding light on both the process and the people behind great moviemaking. Among the other filmmakers included are Woody Allen Tim Burton Joel and Ethan Coen and John Woo.

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March 4, 2025

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