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Nutramigen Hypoallergenic Powder Baby Formula Colic Relief from Cow s Milk Allergy Starts in 24H 19.8 Oz Can

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Product Name
Nutramigen Hypoallergenic Powder Baby Formula Colic Relief from Cow s Milk Allergy Starts in 24H 19.8 Oz Can
Product Description

Nutramigen Hypoallergenic Powder Baby Formula provides essential colic relief for infants with cow's milk allergies. This formula comes in a 19.8 oz can and offers a unique solution by being iron-fortified, lactose-free, and hypoallergenic. It is specially designed for infants who face food allergies, ensuring they receive the nutrients they need without triggering allergic reactions.

Nutramigen features extensively hydrolyzed casein protein, which significantly reduces allergen exposure, helping to prevent immune system responses. Additionally, it includes the probiotic Enflora LGG, which plays a crucial role in supporting the intestinal barrier and promoting overall digestive health. Parents can trust Nutramigen to deliver the specialized nutrition their baby needs while minimizing discomfort from food allergies.

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Last updated
December 14, 2024

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