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Pure Life Purified Water 16.9 Fl Oz / 500 mL Plastic Bottled Water (35 Pack)

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Product Name
Pure Life Purified Water 16.9 Fl Oz / 500 mL Plastic Bottled Water (35 Pack)
Product Description

Pure Life’s Commitment to Recycling Our Veterans And Quality Water: Recycle Your Pure Life Water Bottles All of our PET bottles are designed to be recyclable and in order to continue using recycled plastic we need your help to recycle. Once our bottles are recovered and sent to a recycler they are cleaned dried and melted into pellets which can be used for our new bottles. Pure Life proudly supporting Veterans Pure Life® is proud to partner with the UHP Foundation an organization dedicated to supporting Veterans in living a life of purpose after their military service. 100% Pure Quality Water Our quality has been our promise to you for over 20 years. Every drop of our water goes through a 12-step quality process so that you can enjoy its refreshing crisp taste every time you take a drink.

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Last updated
March 11, 2025

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