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A Childish Theory of Comedy : On the Childish Origins of Humor and How the Humor of Children Can Help Us Become Naturally Funnier (Paperback)

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Product Name
A Childish Theory of Comedy : On the Childish Origins of Humor and How the Humor of Children Can Help Us Become Naturally Funnier (Paperback)
Product Description

A Childish Theory of Comedy makes the case that children are naturally funny and that by studying their humorousness we can actually gain a much greater understanding of humor. In fact it is quite likely that the evolution of humor behaviors has much to do with children and consequently much of (and perhaps all) the humor we observe in our daily lives is based on childishness - including the comedy produced by professional funny people and even the humor produced by our pets. These ideas should be interesting on their own but much of this book is also dedicated to showing readers how childishness can help us all become significantly funnier. Readers will see how childishness can be thought of as an organizing principle that helps us efficiently organize the wide varieties of humor that exist. This organization in turn can help us think more efficiently about humor and thus help us think more quickly on our feet when a situation calls for some humor. Consequently this organizing principle can help us become naturally funnier perhaps more effectively than any other approach currently in existence.

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March 4, 2025

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