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Pre-Owned Science Class You Wish You Had (Paperback) 0399523138 9780399523137

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Science Class You Wish You Had (Paperback) 0399523138 9780399523137
Product Description

What does E=mc2 really mean? What is DNA? What was the big bang? These scientific concepts have changed our perception of the world...but for many of us they remain mysteries bits and pieces of information retained from classroom lectures but never truly understood. Now we can finally grasp the grandeur and complexity of these ideas and their significance in our lives. Revised and updated to include the latest discoveries that are changing the way we view the world and the universe this new edition of The Science Class You Wish You Had will take you on a journey through space and time--from the subatomic to the universal. It explains in a lively accessible way what these milestones of scientific discovery mean and what direct impact they have on our lives today and will have in the future. For everyone interested in science history and biographies of extraordinary people--or anyone who wants to understand the workings of the physical world--this thorough and authoritative book is a perfect introduction to science s most profound discoveries and a testament to the triumph of human knowledge. Newton: Gravity and the Basic Laws of Physics Rutherford and Bohr: The Structure of the Atom Einstein: The Principle of Relativity Hubble: The Big Bang and the Formation of the Universe Darwin: Evolution and the Principle of Natural Selection Flemming and Mendel: The Cell and Genetics Watson and Crick: The Structure of the DNA Molecule

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November 1, 2024

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