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Hatching Time Chick Brooder - 3 Layer H: 9.5 (Power-Washable Durable ABS Plastic) | Cimuka

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Product Name
Hatching Time Chick Brooder - 3 Layer H: 9.5 (Power-Washable Durable ABS Plastic) | Cimuka
Product Description

Do you dream of raising the happiest healthiest birds? Look no further. Our patented ABS plastic COMFORTPLAST brooders offer a durable safe rust-proof and sanitary brooding setup for easy cleaning year after year. Your birds will love you! Did we mention you will save money? Reduce your energy bill with automatically regulated space heaters and a draft-free setup that keeps your birds at the perfect set temperature. Want more savings? Our feeder design significantly reduces feed loss inside and outside the unit saving your hard earned money from ending up on the floor.

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Last updated
March 9, 2025

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