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Pina Colada Flavor Fountain

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Product Name
Pina Colada Flavor Fountain
Product Description

Fountain Flavor Pina Colada by OliveNation is a concentrated flavoring that’s perfect for sherbet, sorbet, hard and soft-serve ice cream, smoothies, shakes, diet drinks and more. It adds gourmet taste to all of your homemade frozen treats and beverages . You can even use Fountain Flavor Pina Colada with your soda machine. Try it in your favorite baked goods recipe as a substitute for a bakery emulsion. Fountain Flavor Pina Colada is water-soluble. How do you use Fountain Flavor Pina Colada? For a four-cup ice cream, shake, or frozen dairy recipe, add 1 tablespoon of Fountain Flavor to your other ingredients. How does Fountain Flavor Pina Colada work in baked goods? Fountain Flavor Pina Colada is water-based, so it doesn’t evaporate a quickly as an extract. The end result is a very flavorful and fragrant dessert. It also distributes evenly in batters and icings. In addition to frozen treats, shakes, and baked goods, what are some other ways to use Fountain Flavor Pina Colada? You can use it to flavor whipped cream, icing, frosting and buttercream. Try it in a pudding or filling, too. Are there any recipes that you should not use Fountain Flavor Pina Colada? Choose an extract instead of a Fountain Flavor in candy and chocolates recipes because of their liquid concentrations. Though, you can use Fountain Flavor in candy fillings.

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Last updated
January 19, 2025

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