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Memoirs of the American Philosophical So Trukese-English Dictionary: Memoirs American Philosophical Society (Vol. 141) (Paperback)

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Product Name
Memoirs of the American Philosophical So Trukese-English Dictionary: Memoirs American Philosophical Society (Vol. 141) (Paperback)
Product Description

Three closely related languages are spoken in Truk State Federated States of Micronesia: Trukese Mortlockese and Puluwatese. Trukese has by far the largest number of of speakers in the Truk state. Building on the dictionary by Samuel H. Elbert published in 1947 this dictionary representes the Trukese language as it is spoken in the lagoon islands of Truk. It also includes an introduction which covers: the languages of Truk; the alphabet; the format of an entry; morphology; syntax; and bibliography. Maps and tables.

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March 4, 2025

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