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Bussmann Series 30 Piece ATM and FMX Automotive Fuse Repair Kit ATM-FMX-EK-WM (multicolors)

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Product Name
Bussmann Series 30 Piece ATM and FMX Automotive Fuse Repair Kit ATM-FMX-EK-WM (multicolors)
Product Description

Fix open fuses in a snap with Bussmann Series ATM and FMX Fuse Repair Kit. This package contains an assortment of 29 of the more popular fuses and a fuse tester that you can keep on hand in your glove compartment kitchen garage or shed in case of a break down. This emergency fuse kit helps restore power fast. Contains a wide assortment of ATM and FMX fuse ratings for applications up to 32 V includes a fuse tester/puller for performing diagnostics. Light on tester glows when fuse is good. Ensure that you always replace an open fuse with one of the same amp and voltage rating and style/dimension. Bussmann Series is a name you can trust to keep you safe.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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