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Bussmann BP/HHD ATC Fuse Holder

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Product info

Product Name
Bussmann BP/HHD ATC Fuse Holder
Product Description

30 Amp Atc Fuseholder #12 Lead Wire 32Vdc Carded This product meets the oversized requirement per UPS/FedEx. The shipping weight reflected is the dimensional weight. This product also meets the large package requirement per UPS/FedEx. The estimated shipping cost will include this fee.Max limits is $110 applied when packages with an actual weight of more than 150 pounds or that exceed 108 inches in length or exceed a total of 165 inches in length and girth [(2 x width) + (2 x height)] combined as measured to determine their billable weight are not accepted for transportation.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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