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Puffs Ultra Soft Facial Tissues 6 Family Size Boxes White 124 Facial Tissues per Box

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Product Name
Puffs Ultra Soft Facial Tissues 6 Family Size Boxes White 124 Facial Tissues per Box
Product Description

Puffs Ultra Soft Facial Tissues come in a pack of six family size boxes, each containing 124 tissues. These tissues provide a comforting touch without lotions, making them ideal for sore or runny noses that require gentle care. Puffs Ultra Soft tissues are designed to be incredibly soft while also being up to two times stronger when wet compared to other leading brands. They offer maximum absorbency, ensuring they can handle tough situations during allergy season or colds. When your nose needs special attention, you can trust Puffs to deliver the softness and strength it deserves.

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Last updated
December 27, 2024

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