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Crayola Colored Pencil Set 50 Ct School Supplies Adult Coloring Pencils Gift

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Product Name
Crayola Colored Pencil Set 50 Ct School Supplies Adult Coloring Pencils Gift
Product Description

Transform creative ideas into colorful art with Crayola Colored Pencils. This colored pencil set features 50 art tools for kids and adults to bring their ideas to life! With a wide range of vivid colors that inspire imagination these drawing pencils are perfect for any student or artist. Each pre-sharpened colored pencil has a thick soft point that won t break easily making them a great addition for school supplies or coloring tools. Use them as blending and shading pencils for professional designs or keep it simple with arts and crafts for kids. These non-toxic coloring tools are ideal for gifts for teachers to stock up on classroom supplies or a gift for a unisex beginner child ages 5 and up.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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