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12 Angry Men: True Stories of Being a Black Man in America Today (Paperback)

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Product Name
12 Angry Men: True Stories of Being a Black Man in America Today (Paperback)
Product Description

Beautifully written painfully honest first-person accounts of racial profiling as experienced by a dozen black men from all over America (Michelle Alexander author of The New Jim Crow). In an era of contentious debate about controversial police practices and more broadly the significance of implications of race throughout American life 12 Angry Men is an urgent moving and timely book that exposes a serious impediment to the collective American Dream of a colorblind society (Pittsburgh Urban Media). In this extraordinarily compelling book a dozen eloquent authors tell their own personal stories of being racially profiled. From a Harvard law school student tackled by a security guard on the streets of Manhattan a federal prosecutor detained while walking in his own neighborhood in Washington DC and a high school student in Colorado arrested for loitering in the subway station as he waits for the train home to a bike rider in Austin Texas a professor at a Big Ten university in Iowa and the head of the ACLU s racial profiling initiative (who was pursued by national guardsmen after arriving on the red-eye in Boston s Logan airport) here are true stories of law-abiding Americans who also happen to be black men (Publishers Weekly). Cumulatively the effect is staggering and will open the eyes of anyone who thinks we live in a post-racial or colorblind America. Powerful. --Jet This is raw testimony intended to vividly capture the invasions of privacy and the assaults on dignity that always accompany unreasonable government intrusion. --Kirkus Reviews

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March 4, 2025

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